Department of Energy FOA for Phase II funding is due out March 2, 2020, just a little over 30 days from now. Are you ready to apply for #DOE #SBIR Phase II #federalfunding? 🏭
Monthly Archives
January 2020
Heads Up: New Proposed Grant Restrictions on Use of Certain Chinese Products and Services
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) proposed changes to its grants and agreements regulations (2 CFR Part 200) to implement § 889 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2019.
How To Write Your Evaluator Into Your Proposals
Did you know many #funding opportunities mandate or strongly encourage the utilization of an Independent External #Evaluator? 📜🔬
NASA SBIR/STTR 2020 Phase I Solicitation Opens TODAY
NASA SBIR/STTR 2020 Phase I Solicitation Opens TODAY. Proposals are due by March 20th, 2020. #NASA #SBIR #STTR #R&D 🔬🔫🔭
Getting SBIR Ready: Highly Qualified Team
What happens when the grant is awarded? Can your team do the work? They might be able to do the work, but if it is not clear and well documented, it won’t matter. #FAQ #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #success #funding 🏁🏆
Learn about the key dates and requirements of #NIST #SBIR applications. #federalFunding #STTR #FindYourFunding💵🔦
We support NAWBO
E.B. Howard Consulting is proud to continue as one of the sponsors for the Buffalo/Niagara Chapter of National Association of Women Business Owner (NAWBO) for the 2020 sponsorship year. #NAWBOWNY #NAWBOWNYPride #OneBuffalo 💼👠
DOT SBIR 2020 Pre-solicitation announced!
It’s pre-solicitation time for #DOT #SBIR! Contact program officials to ask questions or sign up for the webinar to learn more about the #funding opportunity.
#NASA #SBIR solicitation dates are out!
NASA just released dates for the next round of #SBIR #funding. The opening date for solicitations for the 2020 fiscal year is January 20, 2020.
Understanding What Data #NIH Makes Public
So you are about to submit your SBIR/STTR proposal to a funding agency. Do you know what data or information is made public?