Looking for ways to improve your proposal outcomes?

  • December 4, 2019

We have been collected tips, best practices, and advice based on our experience, feedback from our clients, and reviewers. Here are the top 11 tips to help improve your proposal outcomes.


  • October 18, 2019

Every so often, we get a handful of requests from clients that ask if we will develop their pitch deck. While it is not in our skillset, we do appreciate the ask and do recognize the need for really good examples. So when we run into really neat tools and resources, we are compelled to share them with you. This time our resource is a massive list of pitch decks from many great companies landed their first investments.

Applying for #NIH #SBIR, how hard can it be?

  • October 11, 2019

Just to register to submit your NIH SBIR proposal and be considered, your organizational representatives will have to create profiles on no less than THREE complex government websites.

#SBIR: Eligibility Requirements

  • October 2, 2019

Now and again clients ask us about SBIR/STTR eligibility requirements. We thought it would be helpful to put together this quick checklist for you so that you know if you meet the eligibility criteria for SBIR/STTR.

Preparing for #SBIR

  • September 25, 2019

SBIR/STTR proposals require a very meticulous application process. For this reason, once you have decided to apply for an SBIR award, there are several steps you should take to prepare.

#SBIR: Contacting Your Agency

  • September 4, 2019

Best Practice Tip: ALWAYS contact any funder or agency by phone and/or email before you consider submitting a proposal.
