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Tuesday is #GrantChat day. Follow us on Twitter to join the conversation ...
Free tools to help with data visualization
Free tools to help with data visualization
Don't have hours to spare crafting something beautiful in Photoshop? Sarah James selects tools that won't cost you a penny ...
Typography-1 (1)
Think before you font

When it comes to data visualization, think before you font. Great blog article by Co.Design, too.
Typography-1 (1)

The crowdfunding has tripled in size
In the last three years, the crowdfunding industry has tripled in size. Here's a look at how business owners and ...
CCLC Ohio: 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC)
CCLC Ohio: 21st Century Community Learning Centers (CCLC)
Ohio's CCLC Fiscal Year 2015 application is due Friday, January 29th at 5 p.m and requires an external evaluator. The ...
Keep it to one sheet, please!
When creating a pitch deck, preparing a proposal, or applying for any type of funding, you may be asked to ...
NSF's Advancing Informal STEM Learning Education Funding Opportunities
NSF’s Advancing Informal STEM Learning Education Funding Opportunities

The NSF's Advancing Informal STEM Learning. The purpose of this program is to advance new approaches to and evidence-based understanding of ...

Can I just pay for grant writing services out of the awarded grant?
Can I just pay for grant writing services out of the awarded grant?
No, funding agencies do not allow for grant money to be used to pay for services rendered prior to an ...
What is the likelihood that you will be able to help my agency get #funding?
What is the likelihood that you will be able to help my agency get #funding?

Grant writing is a highly competitive process.  While I will provide advice, coordinate #grant preparation, development of the narrative along ...

Can you guarantee that the grant proposal will be funded?
Can you guarantee that the grant proposal will be funded?

Q: Does E.B. Howard Consulting guarantee that the grant proposal will be funded?

A: No, I am not aware of ...

I need a grant to pay for a new home or to remodel my home; are there home-owner grants for these types of endeavors?
I need a grant to pay for a new home or to remodel my home; are there home-owner grants for these types of endeavors?

No! Whoever told you that doesn't know what they are talking about or they are trying to scam you. There ...

Are there grants to pay off personal debt?
Are there grants to pay off personal debt?
Are there grants to pay off personal debt? ...