Evaluation FAQ

Welcome to our FAQ page! Here, you’ll find answers to commonly asked questions about our services, processes, and resources available. This page is designed to help you understand how we can assist you in answering questions about our project & program evaluation experience.

This FAQ page aims to provide clear and concise answers to your questions, making your journey as smooth as possible. If you need further assistance or have additional questions, please contact us directly or schedule a consult call with us here https://calendly.com/ebhoward/15min


Program evaluation is the systematic assessment of the processes and outcomes of a program to determine its effectiveness, efficiency, and impact. It involves collecting and analyzing data to answer specific questions about the program's performance.

Program evaluation is important because it helps stakeholders understand the value of a program, identify areas for improvement, demonstrate accountability to funders and participants, and make informed decisions about future programming and resource allocation.

The main types of program evaluation are:

  • Formative Evaluation: Conducted during program development to improve program design and performance.
  • Summative Evaluation: Conducted after program implementation to assess its overall impact and outcomes.
  • Process Evaluation: Focuses on the implementation process to determine whether the program is being delivered as intended.
  • Outcome Evaluation: Assesses the short-term and long-term outcomes and impacts of the program.

Common methods include surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, case studies, and analysis of existing data. Mixed-methods approaches that combine qualitative and quantitative data are also frequently used.

Key factors to consider include:

  • Experience and Expertise: The evaluator's experience in evaluating similar programs and their knowledge of relevant evaluation methods.
  • Qualifications: Academic and professional qualifications that demonstrate their capability in program evaluation.
  • References: Feedback from previous clients about their experience and satisfaction with the evaluator's work.
  • Methodological Approach: The evaluator's proposed approach to evaluating your program and their flexibility in adapting to your needs.
  • Cost: The cost of their services and whether it fits within your budget.

You can find evaluators through professional associations (e.g., American Evaluation Association), referrals from colleagues or other organizations, online directories, and academic institutions.

Our approach to project management involves open communication with project staff, timely data gathering, and presenting findings and issues as they arise to ensure no surprises in the final report. We act as a “critical friend” to help staff address issues effectively.

Yes, we can provide references from various clients, including federal grants for school districts, colleges, universities, and community-based organizations. Detailed references and contact information are available upon request.

We have extensive experience evaluating programs for various clients, including higher education institutions, local education agencies, and community-based organizations. We have conducted numerous evaluation projects across different funding lines and agencies.

We adhere to the professional guidelines of the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) and the American Evaluation Association (AEA). We are certified as a Women-Owned Business Enterprise and align with HIPAA, FERPA, and SOC 2 criteria.
