Grant Writing

Proposal Preparation Services for Startups & Small Businesses

Need help with Grant Writing? Looking for help with your next SBIR/STTR or R&D grant proposal? We can help with all aspects of grant writing and proposal preparation, from managing the entire process for you to submitting your proposal ahead of the deadline. 

Who We Work With

We work with high-growth for-profit startups and small businesses, as well as organizations and consortiums in the startup and innovation ecosystem.

Our clients are typically early-stage companies with innovative, STEM-based solutions to social, cultural, or environmental challenges. They are focused on commercializing their technologies or propelling the innovation ecosystem forward.

Our clients have domain expertise, strong teams, and evidence of early traction. They also have a clear path to revenue within 12-18 months and a compelling value proposition.

Evidence of Success

Need examples of our work? Here is our Track Record Database and Client Testimonials of recent client's success with our Proposal Preparation Services.

Our Process

We focus on providing a collaborative, iterative experience to develop your proposal. We want you to feel that you are a part of the process and your own best expert.

You’ll be able to follow the team’s progress in real-time as we move through your proposal development process so that you can check on the status of your project anytime, anywhere.

We also know that time is precious for any startup founder, so we’ve worked to streamline this process for you. Let’s walk through the steps:

Grant writing

Step 1: Onboarding Meeting

After all paperwork is signed, we schedule an onboarding meeting. This meeting is meant to review the deadlines, internal deadlines, schedule future project meetings, and other items for the proposal.

Grant writing

Step 2: Proposal Preparation

As we work on your proposal, we hold regular pre-scheduled meetings to discuss proposal progress, tasks, timelines, and other items needed for the proposal.

Grant writing

Step 3: Meet Deadline

We like to complete our work 7 calendar days in advance of any funding deadline. This allows for time to upload into the funder's platform and you to submit ahead of the deadline. 

What comes with our services

The following comes with most Proposal Preparation Service packages.

  • Project Setup: Our team will get you set up and organized. This may include an onboarding meeting, regular project meetings, funding guidance, document setup, shared document storage, and registration guidance where needed.
  • Proposal Preparation: Our team can help craft & write your proposal. This may include developing and writing your proposal and conducting a literature review where needed.
  • Supporting Documentation Preparation: Our team can prepare supporting documentation. This may include bio-sketch development, budget and budget justification development, and preparing all required attachments for your proposal.
  • Critical Review & Copyedit: Our team can provide you with feedback and insight on how to improve your proposal. This includes pink team and red team review, copy-editing, reviewing all documents, and providing feedback for improvement or modification.
  • Finishing Services: Our team can help you submit your proposal. This may include providing grant portal guidance, finalizing  documents, loading documents into the portal, and completing all portal forms.

How We Compare

Nobody likes unknowns, especially when it comes to knowing the firm you are thinking about working with to help with their next grant proposal. So there is no uncertainty, we charge a flat fee for our Proposal Preparation Services. Schedule a consult call today to get specifics on pricing, ask any questions you have, and, most importantly, get started with us. Take a look at how we compare:

  • Since 2013, we have helped organizations secure more than $145M+ in funding for our clients.
  • SBIR/STTR ROI: If funded, the ROI is (on average) $30 for every $1 spent on SBIR/STTR Phase I proposal preparation costs.
  • Other Federal Grants ROI: If funded, the ROI is (on average) $60 for every $1 spent on proposal preparation costs.

Proposal Preparation

  • Team
  • Ethics
  • Law
  • Certifications/Trainings
  • Approach
  • Support
  • Project Handling
  • Success rate
  • Price
  • Time


  • Federal funding experts
  • Follow GPA, AEA, AFP
  • Follow GAAP & the law §200.209
  • Actively pursue relevant training
  • Mixed-method of Agile & Scrum 
  • Answer questions and provide info
  • See our 7 & 30 Day Rule & More
  • We have evidence
  • We charge flat fee
  • Take the heavy lift off your plate


  • Limited expertise 
  • Some or no ethics
  • Don't know or follow law
  • No known skill improvement
  • No known methodology
  • May not be helpful or useful
  • Cut-rate services
  • Fabricated or inflated
  • Hourly rate and/or % of grant
  • What is your time worth?
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