Learn the Best Practices for Obtaining Letters of Support for your #funding proposal! 📝
Guarantee my proposal funding?
Can your consultant guarantee your proposal will win? 🥇 🏆 Unfortunately the answer is no. Reviewers alone decide the outcome of a proposal.
The program officer: Why you should ALWAYS contact them
The program officer: Why you should ALWAYS contact them 📞
Goals and Objectives: The Difference Between the Two and Why it Matters
The difference between goals 🥅 and objectives is an important distinction to make when preparing a proposal for #SBIR or other agencies.
Paying for proposal preparation by incentive, contingency, or success fees
Paying for Proposal preparation by incentive, contingency, or success fees: It is just not worth it! 🚩
Incremental Objectives, Innovative Objectives, and SBIR
Do you know the difference between incremental and innovative objectives? Do you know which one to focus on in your #SBIR proposal? 📝
It’s Official, Our First Webinar is Scheduled for December 15th
Join us for our webinar! 💻 The topic will be #SBIR proposal prep best practices from the experience of a subject matter expert.
In Prep for SBIR: What is TM?
What is Total Market? One of the very important marketing strategies you can use to capture your market segment and forecast your future revenue. #SBIR reviewers want to see applicants who are well versed in #commercialization procedures, so learn all you can before you apply!🧠
Practical tips and advice for time management for proposal preparation.
Practical tips and advice for time management for proposal preparation.
Getting SBIR Ready: Highly Qualified Team
What happens when the grant is awarded? Can your team do the work? They might be able to do the work, but if it is not clear and well documented, it won’t matter. #FAQ #teamworkmakesthedreamwork #success #funding 🏁🏆