Evaluation Reporting: The What, So What, Now What

  • January 2, 2024

Evaluation per Professor Gary Rolfe’s reflective practice framework of “What?”, “So what?”, and “Now what?” can help identify areas for improvement and develop a plan for the future. 📏 📐 🏆

Congrats to EDA’s 22 Recompete Pilot Program Finalists

  • December 21, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that TWO of our clients have been designated as EDA’s Recompete Pilot Program Finalists! We were part of the writing process for one client and served as part of the Red Team Review for another. We would like to congratulate all awardees and finalists. 🏆 🏅 🌟

AI and Its Relationship to Evaluation: What You Need to Know

  • October 24, 2023

Those seeking evaluation services may be wondering how the industry is affected by emerging AI technologies. As with any industry, it is important to remember that AI is an assistive tool to augment the skills of an experienced professional rather than a replacement for one.

NSF ITE Startup Accelerator Ignition Program Award Winners Announced

  • October 5, 2023

The National Science Foundation’s (NSF) ITE Feasibility Study for Startup Accelerator Ignition Program award requires extensive reporting to continue receiving funding. Savvy applicants will enlist the help of their external independent evaluator to meet these reporting requirements. 📊
