DEIAB in Evaluation: A Guide

  • October 17, 2023

By taking into account DEIAB in their work, evaluators can help to ensure that programs and activities are meeting the needs of all populations, including underserved communities.

DEIAB in Government Grants: What Applicants Need to Know

  • October 12, 2023

By addressing DEIAB in their grant proposals, federal grant applicants can demonstrate their commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable workplace and society. This can help them strengthen their proposals and increase their chances of success.

Exciting News: Cali’s Books Awarded NSF SBIR Phase I Grant for Innovative Project!

  • September 11, 2023

Cali’s Books ( has secured a $275,000 NSF SBIR Phase I grant for their innovative project to enhance the traditional paper book reading experience for young children. We proudly supported them throughout the grant application process. Exciting times ahead for young readers! πŸ“š #Innovation #ReadingForKids

Cali’s Books

  • December 20, 2022

We love doing proposal preparation for a great product or idea, especially when we get to try the product out for ourselves! 🎁
