Evaluation Reports Explained

  • September 7, 2020

Evaluation Report (ER) while incredibly helpful to review project success, this type of report differs from other project reports in that it is usually not mandated by the funder, rather it is used to inform and demonstrate outcomes on a specific project or program.

Evaluation Reports can be completed annually, quarterly, twice a year, or as necessary to keep project or program team members updates on outcomes. Typically, these reports contain outcomes regarding goals, objectives, and other relevant information.

Evaluation Reports should not be confused with mandatory reporting requirements from a funder. Mandatory reporting typically has specific reporting metrics and other qualitative and quantitative requirements that must be met.

Required? No. Helpful? Without Question

Busy project personnel may be reading this wondering, “well if it is not mandatory, is it worth the time and effort to have an Evaluation Report?”

The answer is because even if it is not mandated by the funder, this is a way for projects or programs to demonstrate outcomes with useful and unbiased reporting to help educate potential funders, a board, or whomever. In addition, having an independent Evaluation Report completed may bring light a need for process improvement for future projects and document program implementation.

Hire an Evaluator

For those who may be interested in completing an Evaluation Report, hiring a consultant is a worthwhile action to consider. Since evaluation project meetings play such a crucial role in a well-formed Evaluation Report it is only logical to involve an evaluator in this process. Hiring an evaluator also allows the project team to stay focused on projects and programming while an evaluator collects data and completes the report.

One great place to seek an evaluator is at E.B. Howard Consulting. We specialize in evaluation services and feel there is a strong benefit to outsourcing evaluation.

Choose The Right Evaluator

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We assist our clients in locating, applying for, and evaluating the outcomes of non-dilutive grant funding. We believe non-dilutive funding is a crucial tool for mitigating investment risks, and we are dedicated to guiding our clients through the entire process—from identifying the most suitable opportunities to submitting and managing grant applications.
