#SBIR: Contacting Your Agency

  • September 4, 2019

Best Practice Tip: ALWAYS contact any funder or agency by phone and/or email before you consider submitting a proposal.

#SBIR: Contracts vs. #Grants

  • August 14, 2019

When beginning the process of applying for SBIR funding, it is important to know which type of funding each agency offers. All agencies are different, and depending on the agency, you may be applying for either a grant or a contract. Do you know the difference? We do.

Goals vs. Objectives: Setting Measurable Objectives

  • July 2, 2019

Goals and objectives form the most important part of a project proposal and one should pay great attention while framing them. Well-drafted goals and objectives facilitate in developing an articulate proposal that has high chances of getting funded.

Tips For Meeting a Deadline

  • June 25, 2019

In the world of funding, deadlines are one of the biggest drivers of how we spend our time and effort. And yes, deadlines are important for winning grants and other forms of funding to make your business grow, but they are also important for managing your own time, and keeping things organized.

A Common Misconception about #SBIR: Eligibility

  • June 25, 2019

A Common Misconception about SBIR: Eligibility. Your business must be owned and operated within the United States, and all contributors to the SBIR research and development must be U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents.

AZ Small Business Services

  • June 11, 2019

Looking for funding and business support in Arizona? Being the #1 in the nation for entrepreneurial activity Arizona has all the resources needed to help your small business thrive such as Small Business Services (SBS), SBIR/STTR Resource Center, Venture Madness, and more!
