Certified for protecting human research participants

In 2017 we decided to mandate human research protection training and certification for all staff members (https://www.ebhoward.com/100-certified-protecting-human-research-participants/). We are happy to report that we have maintained this standard and as of right now, our team is 100% certified from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Extramural Research’s training course “Protecting Human Research Participants”.

There are guidelines to follow when planning an experiment involving human subjects and this training course allows us to stay up to date on pertinent information regarding human trials. Our knowledge on the subject helps us inform our clients about the guidelines and allows us to help them complete the necessary paperwork correctly.

NIH supports critical research that advances human health while protecting the rights and welfare of the research participants who are integral to research success. NIH’s human subjects protection policies ensure the conduct of quality research and provide the proper stewardship of NIH funding. Since 2008, NIH’s Office of Extramural Research has offered the Protecting Human Research Participants (PHRP) course to all researchers seeking information on the ethical conduct of human subjects research.

The next NIH Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) opportunity has three rounds of deadlines per year, January 5th, April 5th, and September 5th. If you have an innovative idea in the field of health, get ready to submit your application during one of this years’ two remaining windows! Options are available to submit a proposal to the NIH SBIR grant opportunity with or without a human subject trial as part of the experiment. If you choose to use human subjects we highly recommend earning your certification from the NIH’s Office of Extramural Research has offered the Protecting Human Research Participants (PHRP) course

At E.B. Howard Consulting, we take professional development quite seriously. Our team attends the latest SBIR and other funding webinars and undergoes training on various relevant subjects connected with proposal preparation and evaluation. Our clients can rest assured that we are making the most of the learning opportunities out there and staying up to date on our professional knowledge and expertise.

Ready To Take the Next Step?

We assist our clients in locating, applying for, and evaluating the outcomes of non-dilutive grant funding. We believe non-dilutive funding is a crucial tool for mitigating investment risks, and we are dedicated to guiding our clients through the entire process—from identifying the most suitable opportunities to submitting and managing grant applications.