You will be able to register your entity or get a Unique Entity ID (SAM) at using a DUNS Number through April 1, 2022.
If your DUNS Number has not been assigned by April 1, go to on April 4 to register, or get a Unique Entity ID (SAM) without using a DUNS Number.
Registrations that are saved and in progress (meaning you have validated your entity in using your DUNS Number and have a Unique Entity ID (SAM)) on April 1 will be available to resume on April 4.
The UEI (SAM) is assigned automatically to all active and inactive registered entities. This information is displayed on The DUNS Number remains authoritative until April 2022.
If your entity is not registered, but you still need a Unique Entity ID (SAM) (e.g., for subcontractors or sub-awardees), go to and select Get Started.
If you wish to register your entity, you can get a Unique Entity ID (SAM) as part of your registration. You should also go to and get started.
March 29 is the last day to obtain a new DUNS Number from Dun & Bradstreet for the purpose of getting a Unique Entity ID (SAM) or registering in
If you already have a DUNS Number, April 1 will be the last day before the transition you can use it to:
- Get a Unique Entity ID (SAM)
- Register an entity
When IAE systems are back online, DUNS Numbers will no longer be displayed or accepted for entity registration, reporting, or searching. The Unique Entity ID (SAM) will be the identifier of record. You can get a Unique Entity ID (SAM) any time after April 4 without using a DUNS Number.
Learn more about the DUNS Number to the Unique Entity ID (SAM) transition here
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