It’s 2019, and women still hold just 25% of computing roles in the United States. Flatiron School and SeatGeek are doing something about that!

This March, Women 2.0 is joining forces with Flatiron School, a leading software engineering, data science, and UX/UI design bootcamp, to spread the word about the 50/50 Scholarship and help make gender parity in tech a reality. Partnering with SeatGeek, Flatiron School is awarding $200,000+ in scholarships to give 60 women the opportunity to break into tech through Flatiron School’s industry-leading career courses.

Secure your $3,500 scholarship today!

Applications close March 31

Learn Coding, Data Science, UX/UI Design, & Cybersecurity Analytics

A more diverse tech workforce is more creative and effective. At Flatiron School, we have the opportunity to fast-track tomorrow’s female tech talent into the industry – and change the culture for the better. Here’s how we’re working to make gender parity in tech a reality.

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