A re-post from NIH
Whether applying for an NIH Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) or Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant or submitting a contract proposal, you need to be aware of NIH’s human subjects research policies and reporting requirements.
Attend this webinar to learn about:
• NIH’s definition of human subjects research and how it applies to you
• NIH policies for conducting extramural research involving human subjects
• Clinical trial requirements for SBIR & STTR grants and contracts
• Inclusion policies and reporting requirements
• Training and resources available to help you prepare your SBIR or STTR grant application or contract proposal
Register for NIH’s webinar here. https://nih.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_sGby0-KpRrW1zuvq7KIixw
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We assist our clients in locating, applying for, and evaluating the outcomes of non-dilutive grant funding. We believe non-dilutive funding is a crucial tool for mitigating investment risks, and we are dedicated to guiding our clients through the entire process—from identifying the most suitable opportunities to submitting and managing grant applications.