Looking for ways to improve your proposal outcomes?

  • December 4, 2019

We have been collected tips, best practices, and advice based on our experience, feedback from our clients, and reviewers. Here are the top 11 tips to help improve your proposal outcomes. Ready? It is really simple.

  1. Read the solicitation.
  2. Follow the instructions as stated in the solicitation.
  3. Provide detailed answers and descriptions to all the sections of the narrative (aka project description, research strategy, etc).
  4. Use the page length allocated. If the research strategy is 6 pages, use 6 pages.
  5. Include charts, graphs or time-lines io the technical work plan.
  6. Adhere to any format requirements or restrictions. (e.g. size 12 font in Times New Roman, means size 12 font in Times New Roman.)
  7. Make sure the budget balances
  8. Standard bibliography format
  9. Complete all forms
  10. Proofread/spell check
  11. Check duplication process

It is easier than you may think to improve your proposal outcomes. If you have any questions, the best place to turn is to a proposal expert, such as a consultant.

Learn how to address technical questions here.

We work with high-growth startups and organizations that support the startup and innovation ecosystem. We build highly specific non-dilutive funding menus, provide proposal preparation services, and measure outcomes of funding through evaluation. Schedule a consult call with us HERE.
