NIH Solicitation Changes: Stay Informed

Published Changes

Stay Informed of Solicitation Changes and Updates. There are guidelines to follow when preparing your National Institute of Health (#NIH) grant proposal. Corrections on these funding application guidelines are published periodically, usually 2-3 times per year as needed. This is because the agency wishes to reflect minor changes, although major changes or updates must be published immediately. A major change could wreak havoc on your proposal. But if you know where to look, you can easily find solicitation change information you need.

Where can I find Solicitation Changes?

A document called “SBIR/STTR Instructions for NIH and Other PHS Agencies” provides detailed instructions and solicitation changes. The document is a technical 171 page PDF and is recommended reading for all grant applicants. Look for a handy section near the beginning entitled “B 120. Significant Changes”. Check this document frequently to stay informed of solicitation changes.

Turn and Face The Strange Ch-ch-changes

The “Significant Changes” section of the application instructions offers revision notes listed by date. There is also a symbol key for discovering new instructions. An exclamation point icon in a bright green speech bubble symbol alerts the reader to new instructions. When you hover your mouse over this symbol it will show you an explanation of the change.

Even if you applied recently major changes could have occurred. It is always good practice to read over the entire instruction PDF before you begin the process of submitting your application. If you plan on applying for a grant in the future visit the solicitation site often and check the rules. Check back frequently prior to your application to track any changes.

When In Doubt, Ask an Expert

Collaborating with a consulting agency would be another way to ensure you apply according to the most recently published standards. By doing this your consultant can assist you in submitting your application. Consultants make it a point to stay informed about changes to the application process and guide their clients toward proper application protocols. For more information and to visit our website click here.

Ready To Take the Next Step?

We assist our clients in locating, applying for, and evaluating the outcomes of non-dilutive grant funding. We believe non-dilutive funding is a crucial tool for mitigating investment risks, and we are dedicated to guiding our clients through the entire process—from identifying the most suitable opportunities to submitting and managing grant applications.