DOE SBIR/STTR Programs have a mandatory Letter of Intent (LOI) requirement—you must submit a Letter of Intent according to the FOA requirements to be eligible to submit a full application.
Did you get your LOI in on time in PAMS? Your LOI was due January 7th at 5 pm Eastern. If you did, we would love to help you with your proposal. We are taking on DOE projects in preparation for the February 25th Deadline.
The DOE SBIR/STTR Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA) are listed on their Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA) page. To learn about the technology areas with available DOE SBIR/STTR funding, view either the Topics documents or webinars in the Funding Opportunity Announcements FOA table.

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We assist our clients in locating, applying for, and evaluating the outcomes of non-dilutive grant funding. We believe non-dilutive funding is a crucial tool for mitigating investment risks, and we are dedicated to guiding our clients through the entire process—from identifying the most suitable opportunities to submitting and managing grant applications.