Personal debt grants-too good to be true?

We have been reviewing some of our older posts from back when E.B. Howard Consulting first started. It is fun to see how we have grown and what topics were on our client’s minds in 2013. One, in particular, was an old post about personal debt grants (to view that post in full, visit We used to get a lot of questions about grants for personal debt but as time passed the subject came up less frequently. Seven years later, it seems the emergence of COVID-19 has brought this question to the forefront of our client’s minds once again.

Personal Debt

First of all “personal debt” and “business debt” are two distinct things. While there are no grants to pay off an individuals’ personal debt (mortgages, college tuition loans, credit card bills), there is plenty of help available for business debt such as payroll, rent, or the purchase of PPE to make brick and mortar business compliant with the new COVID-19 codes. Unfortunately, personal debt grants do not exist, but there are plenty of other ways to remain financially stable throughout the pandemic.

COVID-19 Funding

COVID-19 relief programs have been deployed across the globe. In the United States alone there have been nearly 1000 since March 2020. While many have closed others are provided on a rolling basis or offer multiple solicitation windows in an ongoing fashion. Many have been federally funded through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) or the CARES Act. Others rely on state, local, or private funds to offer small businesses the assistance they need to keep their doors open.

Startup Fund Hub

In March 2020, E.B. Howard Consulting created Startup Fund Hub beginning with a free open-access COVID-19 funding database that is regularly updated by our team to this day. To get an account, all you have to do is sign up with a valid email address. E.B. Howard Consulting will continue to offer Startup Fund Hub’s COVID-19 database free of charge until the pandemic is behind us. While not a solution to personal debt issues, COVID-19 funding can solve financial issues for small businesses. Log on today and see what you may be eligible for!

Ready To Take the Next Step?

We assist our clients in locating, applying for, and evaluating the outcomes of non-dilutive grant funding. We believe non-dilutive funding is a crucial tool for mitigating investment risks, and we are dedicated to guiding our clients through the entire process—from identifying the most suitable opportunities to submitting and managing grant applications.