SBIR Contracts for NIH & CDC – essential info before applying

If you have an idea that could potentially help others but needs a little research and development (R&D) then you are a prime candidate for SBIR Contracts for NIH & CDC. These opportunities are fairly straightforward to apply to and offer regular dates for proposal submission. However, you do need to be aware of eligibility requirements and registration requirements before you consider submitting your proposal.


To receive SBIR funds, each awardee of an SBIR Phase I or Phase II award must qualify as a small business concern (SBC) at the time of award and at any other time set forth in SBA’s regulations at 13 CFR 121.701-121.705. Each applicant must qualify as a small business for research or research and development purposes and certify to this on the Cover Sheet (Appendix A) of the proposal. Additionally, each awardee must submit a certification stating that it meets the size, ownership and other requirements of the SBIR Program at the time of award, and at any other time set forth in SBA’s regulations at 13 CFR 121.701-705.

For Phase I, a minimum of two-thirds of the research or analytical effort must be performed by the awardee. For Phase II, a minimum of one-half of the research or analytical effort must be performed by the awardee. The percentage of work will be measured by total contract costs.

For both Phase I and II, the principal investigator must be primarily employed with the SBC. This means that more than one half (50%) of the employee’s time is spent with the small business. Primary employment with the SBC precludes full-time employment at another organization.

For both Phase I and Phase II, all research or research and development work must be performed by the SBC and its subcontractors in the United States. Based on rare and unique circumstances, deviations from these performance requirements may occur. These must be approved in writing by the funding agreement office. This is only after consultation with the agency SBIR Program Manager/Coordinator.

Contracts Required Registrations

  • Proposing firms must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) at The registration should reflect “Purpose of Registration: All Awards” and not “Purpose of Registration: Federal Assistance Awards Only”. SAM allows firms to provide basic information on business capabilities and financial information. It is in the firm’s interest to visit SAM and ensure that all the firm’s data is up to date to avoid delay in the award.
  • Confirmation of your company’s Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number is necessary to verify your email address in SAM. For information on DUNS, see:
    • Proposals do not need to include proof of SAM registration – however, proposals should note the company’s DUNS number, so that the Government may verify active SAM registration at any time.
    • SBA Company Registry – Required Prior to Proposal Submission (Include Proof of Registration in Business Proposal)
  • Applicants to the SBIR and STTR programs are required to register at the SBA Company Registry prior to proposal submission and attach proof of registration. Completed registrations will receive a unique SBC Control ID and .pdf file.
    • If applicants have previously registered, they are still required to attach proof of registration. The SBA Company Registry recommends verification with SAM (see above) although a SAM account is not required to complete the registration.
    • In order to be verified with SAM, your email address must match one of the contacts in SAM. If you are unsure what is listed in SAM for your company, verify the information on the SAM site.
    • Download and save your SBA registry PDF locally. The name will be in the format of SBC_123456789.pdf, where the 9-digit number reflects your firm’s SBC Control ID.
    • A copy of the completed SBA Company Registration for your organization must be submitted as part of your Business Proposal.
  • Funding Agreement Certification & Life Cycle Certifications – Required Prior to Award and During Contract Life Cycle The SBA SBIR/STTR Policy Directive requires the collection of certain information from firms at time of award and during the award life cycle through use of the SBIR Funding Agreement Certification and the SBIR Life Cycle Certification, which can be viewed here:

To learn more about specific subtopics within the HHS Omnibus Solicitations, visit this website.

To learn more about SBIR click here, or click here to attend our SBIR webinar.

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