Need help with the NYSED Exemplary School Models and Practices proposal? Need help developing high-quality monitoring & evaluation section for year 3? We got you covered. The […]

Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program: Good Luck to those submitting their HSI Title V Proposals on Monday.
Good Luck to those submitting their Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program-Title V, due April 24. May the reviewers score in your favor. The Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (DHSI) Program provides […]

DoEd’s Title III Due April 17?
The DoEd program helps eligible IHEs to become self-sufficient and expand their capacity to serve low-income students by providing funds to improve and strengthen the academic quality, […]
The Lean Analytics Cycle
This works for small businesses and nonprofits. Worth the read. Lean Analytics Cycle
Why Evaluate?
A short #slideshare that describes why #nonprofit organizations should#evaluate their programs. Why evaluate your program? from Eric Graig
How to Predict the Success of a Nonprofit Program Before It Starts
It may cost considerably more or less to achieve a certain outcome, depending on the circumstances an individual organization and its clients may be facing. For example, […]

Collecting Customer Data: 10 Questions to Ask
Most often evaluation of projects and programs do not require collecting customer data. However, this is a good springboard conversation to have and should be an upfront […]
Fun with logic models
Some data visualization humor to brighten your day: 6 Logic Model Cartoons
Always great tools and tips for the evaluator on the go. Caren Oberg on Using Tablets for Data Collection

Tuesday is #GrantChat day. Follow us on Twitter to join the conversation.